How to Interpret Ion Detox Water Colors

How to Interpret Ion Detox Water Colors

Ion body detoxification is achieved by placing your feet in a container of warm water. The water generates positive and negative ions, which draw toxins out of your body. There are water color charts available to explain the water color changes that occur. The colors represent material or organ debris. They are known in Chinese medicine, but there is no scientific evidence to prove the claims.


Know that black or green water indicates toxins in your gallbladder or liver. If there are black particles floating the water, you have heavy metals in your body.


See brown water appear in the container if you're experiencing issues with your liver or spleen. Brown can also indicate tobacco use or cellular debris in your system.


Look for orange water if you're experiencing problems with your joints. People with arthritis or muscular diseases would likely see orange water color. If the water is red, that indicates the potential for blood clots.


Expect the water in the container to turn into a white cheese-like substance if you have a lot of yeast in your system. Particularly women with yeast infections will have white cheesy water.


Learn that the water will turn foamy if you're having issues with your lymph nodes.


Check out the water at your feet. If it's a bright yellow-green color, you likely have problems with your bladder, kidneys, prostate or urinary system.

Tips & Warnings

Talk to your doctor if you're considering an ion detox.

There may be certain contaminants or minerals in the water that affect the debris and color changes.

The water color chart is for your reference only.

How to Insert Earplugs

How to Insert Earplugs

Are you tired of tossing and turning at night? Wouldn’t you love to get a full night of rest? The unfortunate thing is that many people are forced to sleep in noisy environments. Whether it’s a barking
or a snoring partner, it’s impossible to sleep with all the noise. Thankfully, there’s a solution. Earplugs not only help block indoor noises, but they can also block most outdoor noises as well. Best of all, you can find earplugs that offer extreme comfort, but you must know how to insert them correctly.


Roll the earplug into a tight cylinder. In order for earplugs to fit into your ear canal, you must roll the foam so that it forms a tight cylinder. This makes it easy to slide earplugs into your ear so that you get a proper fit.


Lift the top of your ear to open the canal. It’s impossible to insert earplugs correctly without pulling on the top of your ear. Otherwise, the canal is too closed off to reach. You will need to grab the top part of your ear and lift slowly. If opened properly, you will feel air coming into the canal.


Insert earplug into the open canal. If you opened the ear canal properly, you should be able to slide the earplug in easily. If the canal isn’t open enough, you will find yourself trying to squish the earplug into place.


Hold earplug in place until the form expands. The foam will take a bit of time to expand. If you simply insert the earplug and then pull your hand away, the earplug will pop out. Instead, you need to gently hold the plug in place until the foam fully expands. This ensures that the earplug blocks out as much noise as possible.


Repeat Steps 1 – 4. It’s important to insert one earplug at a time. Otherwise, the foam will expand before you can begin work on the second ear.


Use wax earplugs for swimming. Foam earplugs are best suited for sleeping, but if you need earplugs that are waterproof, wax is your best bet. To insert wax earplugs, roll the wax into a fat cylinder. Press the wax into your ear canal so that a flat disc forms on the outside of the canal. This will help keep water from entering the ear canal.

Tips & Warnings

It may take a few tries before you’re able to insert earplugs properly.

If you have trouble getting the canal open, make sure to re-roll the earplug so that the foam is tight.

If earplugs don’t seem to be doing their job, even after several attempts, try buying a new brand.

Forcing earplugs into place can cause your ears to ache.

Wash your hands before you insert earplugs.

Once rolled, insert earplugs immediately or the foam will expand too much.

How to Insert a Tube for Colon Cleansing

How to Insert a Tube for Colon Cleansing

Cleanse your colon of acid, undigested food, mucous and even parasites with a colon cleanse. The cleanse may detoxify your body and improve your health and energy. To clean you colon properly, you must know how to insert the tube.


Warm up your body. Walk around or do some mild exercises.


Hang the full enema bag from an IV pole or towel rack. You don't want it more than 2 feet higher than you or it will run too quickly.


Attach the end of the colon tube onto the tube of the enema bag. Medium-size colon tubes, like the size 24 or 26 French DAVOL, are preferable over a smaller size that can damage the colon.


Lubricate the colon tube with a pure natural vegetable oil or Vitamin E cream.


Lay down in a comfortable place on your left side. Take a deep breath and insert the tube into your colon. Start a small flow of the enema, which will create a channel. Move the tube inside slowly. The soft rubber-like tube will go in anywhere from 12 to 20 inches, however if it only goes in a few inches, don't force it. That will probably be enough.


Once the tube is partway in, turn onto your back. Lift your hips up onto a pillow to let gravity do some of the work.


Relax. Breathe evenly and let the water go in deep no matter how far the tube is in. Take the enema for 5 to 20 minutes. Let it sit for a while before getting up onto the toilet to expel.

How to Induce Suspended Animation in Mice

How to Induce Suspended Animation in Mice

Many animals hibernate naturally: bears, for example, retreat to their cave and slow their metabolism for months at a time. Humans and other mammals do not share this trait. But scientific technology has uncovered a means of inducing hibernation in mice and even larger creatures, by means of hydrogen sulfide.


Place the mouse in a contained system, such that you can pump in and remove the air at will.


Fill the container with air that includes 80 parts per million of hydrogen sulfide.


Monitor the mouse's life signs. The mouse should seem to almost die, its metabolic rate dropping by 90 percent, and its core temperature from 37 degrees C to 15.


Infuse the mouse's surrounding with fresh air after an appropriate amount of time-6 hours is common, as it fits into a single work day.


Monitor the mouse's life signs as it awakens. It should revive, none the worse for wear.

Tips & Warnings

An excessive amount of hydrogen sulfide will kill you.

How to Induce Sleep

How to Induce Sleep

In this article you will learn how to induce sleep with a mixture that you can make yourself at home.

Things You'll Need:




Elder flower

Peppermint powder



Jar with lid

Sauce pan


Begin by mixing together 2 tablespoons chamomile, 1 teaspoon goldenseal, 2 tablespoons skullcap, 2 teaspoons elder flower, 1 tablespoon pennroyal, and 1/2 a teaspoon of peppermint powder.


In a small to medium size sauce pan or a small pot combine 2 cups of water and the herb mixture. Bring the ingredients to a boil and then reduce it to a simmer.


Simmer the mixture until the liquid is reduced by half of the original amount. Pour the mixture into a jar and cap it off with a lid.


Store the jar until you are ready to use the mixture. To use the mixture add 1 or 2 tablespoons to 1 cup of warm to hot water. Sweeten with honey to taste. Drink this just before bed to help induce sleep.

Tips & Warnings

Do not drink if you are allergic to any of the ingredients listed within this article.

How to Induce Labor Through Acupuncture

How to Induce Labor Through Acupuncture

As you near your due
, you may start to worry that you're going to end up overdue and need to schedule a hospital induction. However, you can look into more natural ways to induce labor, like going for an acupuncture treatment.


Talk to your doctor about the timing of the acupuncture treatment. You should be at your due date or just past it to ensure the health of your unborn baby. Let your doctor know about the acupuncture treatment in order to get his approval.


Find an acupuncture practitioner who practices on pregnant women. Practitioners use a certain technique to induce labor. Call acupuncture clinics in your area to discuss scheduling a labor induction treatment. Locate an acupuncturist through the American Academy of Medical Acupuncture's website.


Go for the acupuncture treatment to induce labor. The acupuncturist will place the needles into your hands, lower leg and feet. The needles won't be placed anywhere near the abdomen. The needles stay inserted for a set period of time before the practitioner removes them from the pressure points.


Expect labor to start soon. Most women who go for a treatment to induce labor start to contract within two days of the treatment.

Tips & Warnings

Some acupuncturists use mild electro-stimulation in order to induce labor in a post-term woman. Electricity levels stay low and do not pose a threat to your unborn child.

Acupuncturists have also helped reduce the amount of pain a woman experiences during the labor process. Inquire about these types of treatments as well.

How to Increase Will Power With Meditation

How to Increase Will Power With Meditation

Physical exercise can help you to strengthen you body and mental exercise can help you to strengthen you mind. Meditation is not only a great way to reduce stress and connect with your inner-self, it can also be a fantastic way to increase your will power. A few tips can help.


Set aside a time for meditation every day. First thing in the morning is often the best time, as you are rested, relaxed and can use the power created through meditation to start your day off right. Try to schedule at least 15 minutes for your session, although you can meditate as long as you like. Just setting aside this special time for yourself is a great way to improve your will power.


Create a sacred space for your meditation. This can be just about anything, but should be the same every day to create a habit and a comfort zone. You can simply sit up in bed and practice your meditation upon awakening, or roll out a special rug or mat, play gentle music and light candles and incense. Your sacred space can be as simple or elaborate as you like, as long as you are consistent.


Write down your goals for meditation before beginning as long as a duration of time that you promise to meditate, often called the sacred vow. Have these goals set in your mind when you begin your meditation and stick with it. If you set a goal to meditate nine days in a row, and you miss one day, start over again. By the time you reach the ninth day you will feel a strong surge of personal power and will.


Increase your goals and the number of days to complete them as you gain strength. If you originally vowed to not drink alcohol or smoke cigarettes for 3 days, increase the time to 6 and work through the stresses and difficulties created while in meditation. When you reach or even surpass your goals, you will have also increased your will power.


Continue setting new goals, challenge yourself and empower yourself. The only path to enlightenment and self-evolution is by overcoming hardship and becoming aware of our strengths and weaknesses. Do not beat yourself up if you struggle with a goal. Simply power forth with pride that you are working to overcome difficulty and when you are ready you will succeed.

How to Increase Progesterone Naturally

How to Increase Progesterone Naturally

Progesterone is a steroid hormone of the class of hormones called progestogens. This hormone occurs naturally in the human body. It plays a role in the female menstrual cycle and gestation in
, as well as taking part in the fertilization of the egg and embryo development during pregnancy. Other roles of progesterone include acting as an anti inflammatory agent, regulating the immune response, normalizing blood clotting, and preventing endometrial cancer by regulating the effects of estrogen in the female body. If the human body does not produce enough progesterone in the female on its own, there are some effects. For example, progesterone helps to lower estrogen levels, so too low progesterone levels can lead to increased PMS symptoms and difficult periods for women. The woman may also experience mood swings and irritability. This article will explore how to increase progesterone levels naturally.


Realize that there are no known ways to
to stimulate the body to make its own progesterone beyond what it already is making. What this means is that you'll have to actually take some kind of supplement, natural or synthetic, to increase your level of progesterone.


Find out if your progesterone levels are actually too low. Make a trip to the doctor to determine this through testing of your hormone levels. You don't want to start taking natural progesterone supplements if you don't need to, because there are also negative effects for too high levels of progesterone in the body. Also, even natural supplements can have side effects.


Determine what your body needs. Your doctor will let you know how low your progesterone levels are, thus helping you decide what supplements you need. Natural supplements come generally from plant sources, such as soy and yam roots, and come in the form of injectable products, intravaginal, intradermal and oral formulas. The natural oral progesterone is only available by prescription from your doctor.


Find natural progesterone supplements to purchase. Natural progesterone supplements are available over the counter except for the oral formula. You can find these on the internet. One product available on the internet is Natural Progesterone cream, developed by a company called Source Naturals, site listed in the resources.


Use natural alternatives to progesterone that have the same or similar effects. One such natural alternative is pregnenolone, which is sold over the counter. Pregnenolone is found in the human body, and the body converts it to progesterone. So, taking pregnenolone can help increase your levels of progesterone.


Take a nonsteroidal supplement that helps deal with a specific issue caused by low progesterone levels instead of one that covers all areas. For example, if you take Mind Power Rx, it helps with mental sharpness (something that progesterone increases in the body on its own when in the correct levels.)


Continue to visit your doctor to monitor and check your progesterone levels. You don't want to let your progesterone levels get too high by taking nonprescription progesterone and allowing the levels to go unchecked!

Tips & Warnings

Progesterone replacement therapy can help maintain the levels of progesterone in the body.

Although synthetic progesterone is only available through a prescription, you can find alternatives like pregnenolone and natural progesterone over the counter.

By menopause, a woman's progesterone levels fall to nearly zero.

You don't want to increase your progesterone levels too high, as there are adverse effects felt with too high progesterone levels as well!

Synthetic progesterone, in the form of progestins, has many adverse side effects. This is what makes natural progesterone desirable.

Progesterone supplements are hard to absorb in the body. The supplement needs to be in an oil to help absorption, such as peanut oil.

How to Increase Lifespan With Acupuncture

How to Increase Lifespan With Acupuncture

Acupuncture has many uses in human and animal medicine, many of which were nearly lost. Five Element acupuncture, one of the two branches of this ancient and tested medical discipline, has within it an easily applied method which, according to all reliable clinic data, increases lifespan. The so called "Aggressive Energy Test" (poorly translated from Chinese) drains from the body the death-promoting energy that ticks down time clock to death so that the patient has new lease on life and the transfer of energy between meridian systems takes place safely without decreasing lifespan at the expense of short-term healing. Read on to learn more about how to increase lifespan with acupuncture.

Things You'll Need:

Acupuncture needles (ideally No 3(0.2) x 50 mm J type Serien for cats, dogs and humans, larger sizes for horses.

Reasonably steady hands

Gentle and reasonably sensitive fingertips

A quiet place

Most any standard acupuncture meridian textbook or chart


Find an acupuncture textbook that outlines the Shu or Associated Effect Point meridian system, running down the dorsal ('back' side) of the back, parallel to midline (the UB, urinary bladder system). Find UB 13, 14, 15, 18, 20 and 23. These points should be along a line about 3 inches away from midline in human, and by scale, similar proportions of distance from midline in animals. They are depressions in the skin between the vertebral processes. You can locate these points by determining where the thoracic-lumbar junction is in the lower back and the thoraco-cervical junction is in the neck (C7 doesn't move when neck is flexed, then comes T1) or feel the line for the aforementioned points. The line should fan out a bit (then proceed backward toward tail/buttocks at UB 21). Remember that humans have 12 thoracic ribs,
cats and dogs
18 ribs (excluding Arabs, which have 17). If working on animals, consider the point between C7 and T1 as UB 11, and the points on lower back (UB 18, 20 and 23) two, zero and three depression points from the T-L junction. Proceed only if you can clearly identify these points. To position humans, have patient sit upright in chair with arms folded. For dogs, cats and horses, stand in straight line (don't curve back).


In humans, insert needles 1mm to 2 mm into skin, so they stick up. Do the same in cats and dogs, insuring that needles stand up on their own. Then turn needles 1/4 to 1/3 turn clockwise. Leave in for 10 to 15 minutes, and keep patient stationary. With the horse, you will probably have to insert needles in for a approximately 1 cm. In humans, insert one needle away from the UB points as a control, doing the same with it.


In humans, look for presence of a red blotch around the needles at the UB points. If you see them, keep needles in until it goes away (about 20 minutes). This is confirmation that you have drained the death-promoting chi. These are substances that have yet to be scientifically identified, but will be as research moves forward. Let the needles fall out.


Remove needles after 20 minutes. Repeat every three to four months in elderly patients. Consult acupuncturist with experience in Five Element theory and practice to do energy transfers according to pulse diagnosis to help the meridian systems transfer electrical impulses and chi (biological substrate only beginning to be identified) between themselves so that good health if promoted, or made maximally possible given age and other biological conditions. Be ready to deal with extended this method does increase life span.

Tips & Warnings

Find any information you can get from the Worsley Institute, or from J.R. Worsley, a world-famous expert on this branch of seldom used acupuncture.

Keep in mind that this is a medical procedure.

Eight Principle acupuncturists don't believe in Five Element acupuncture, along with most non-acupuncturists.

Be sure that you do not push acupuncture into points.

Be sure you find and dispose of all acupuncture needles used.

How to Give Reiki Treatments

How to Give Reiki Treatments

Reiki is considered a form of spiritual healing wherein the Reiki Master or practitioner lays hands on the patient. The laying of hands purportedly promotes and stimulates the body to heal itself of malady through the process of detoxifying the body and breaking down energy blocks. Reiki can be used in combination with other alternative forms of healing as well as with Western practices, and is purported to have been successful in the treatment of cancer and asthma.

Things You'll Need:

Warm, dimly lit room

Become a Certified Reiki Practitioner


Attend Reiki classes. You must pass at least the first level of Reiki to begin practice on other people.


Learn the Reiki hand positions and how to access the energy around you.


Select a Reiki Master to perform an attunement. An attunement is a spiritual ceremony where a Reiki master tunes your body to the spiritual world of Reiki, ensuring a broader understanding of Reiki and a permanent energy field to surround your body.


Feel the Universal Life Energy during and after the attunement. The attunement is said to open your body to allow a channel of energy to flow between you and the Reiki Master, as well as from you to the energy of the universe.


Complete your second level of Reiki and you will be able to perform distance Reiki treatments. Distance Reiki treatments involve treatments wherein the practitioner and patient are not in close proximity, and in fact may be several hundred miles away.


Learn more about how to become a Reiki practitioner at The Reiki School Web site (see Resources below).

Give Reiki Treatments


Decide if you want to open a Reiki center where you'll give Reiki treatments or if you will choose to travel to your patients at their convenience. Reiki practitioners work both ways.


Dim the lights to create a relaxed, peaceful atmosphere. A central aspect of Reiki is deep relaxation or meditation, and thus the environment of the treatment should contribute to that cause.


Heat the room to a comfortable temperature. Give a light blanket for your client if the temperature is still too cool. Remember that even if you are warm, your patient's comfort is of the utmost importance.


Recline your patient on a massage table.


Place your hands, in a specific Reiki hand posture, either lightly on or slightly above your patient on all their chakras.


Hold the posture at each chakra until the flow of energy weakens and dissipates, then move to the next chakra.


Feel the energy begin to flow from your surroundings through your hands into your patient.


Experience the warm sensation flowing from your hands said to occur during a Reiki session.

Tips & Warnings

Wear clothing that is comfortable.

If you wear shoes, make sure they fit well and are comfortable, as you will be on your feet consistently for long periods of time.

You will have more control over the environment if you request your clients come to you.

Reiki should not be considered a replacement for traditional medicine. If you experience severe nausea, vomiting or migraines, consult a doctor immediately.

Reiki is not a proven science and results do vary.

Before you start any alternative medical technique, be aware that many have not been scientifically evaluated. Often, only limited information is available about their safety and effectiveness. Each state and each discipline has its own rules about how alternative medicine practitioners can be professionally licensed. If you decide to visit one, choose one that is licensed by a recognized national organization. Consult your primary health care provider about your decision first. Keep your doctor informed about the alternative medical technique you undertake.

How to Get Newsletters on Chinese Medicine

How to Get Newsletters on Chinese Medicine

Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) has enjoyed a resurgence in popularity. Techniques like acupuncture and the use of herbs are now being viewed as increasingly viable, natural alternatives to Western medicine and expensive, side effect-heavy pharmaceutical prescription drugs. If you want to get newsletters on TCM, there are several national associations and many practitioners in your area who would be glad to add you to their mailing list. Follow these steps to learn how to get their newsletters.

Things You'll Need:

Computer with Internet access

Find Organizations That Offer Newsletters


Know that TCM is not governed by a single national association. Countries are likely to have several member organizations that function more like national registries than governing bodies. Find listings at the Web site of the World Federation of Chinese Medicine Societies (see Resources below).


Check to see if your state, province or territory (if you live in the United States or Canada) has TCM member organizations. Decide whether you'd rather get national newsletters, state or provincial newsletters, or both.


Locate TCM practitioners in your area. Larger clinics located in major cities will generally offer brochures or newsletters.


Seek educational institutions offering courses in Chinese medicine. Accredited schools often offer newsletters to the public as well.


Get on the Internet to find listings of national registries (see Resources below).

Receive Newsletters About Chinese Medicine


Call the clinic, educational facility or Chinese medicine association you're interested in receiving newsletters from. Ask to be added to their mailing list. Inquire about any mailing or subscription fees. Fees are generally very low. Many newsletters are offered free of charge.


Visit the Web site of the practitioner, school or institution(s) of your choice. You will frequently find a "Contact Us" link you can use to find an informational email address. Send an email to the institution, asking whether they offer newsletters. You may be able to receive an electronic version in your email, if one is offered.


Write a letter. Telephone and email requests can sometimes be lost in the shuffle. In some cases, you may be asked to fill out a brief questionnaire in order to get the organization's newsletter.

Tips & Warnings

Be aware that TCM is most often used when traditional medical care proves ineffective, or for alternative treatment of minor or chronic conditions. If you experience emergency symptoms, such as chest pain, trouble breathing or numbness in your limbs, you should seek conventional medical treatment immediately.

Before you start any alternative medical technique, be aware that many have not been scientifically evaluated. Often, only limited information is available about their safety and effectiveness. Each state and each discipline has its own rules about how alternative medicine practitioners can be professionally licensed. If you decide to visit one, choose one licensed by a recognized national organization. Consult your primary health care provider about your decision first. Keep your doctor informed about the alternative medical technique you undertake.

How to Find Proper Pressure Points Through Reflexology

How to Find Proper Pressure Points Through Reflexology

Reflexology is applied as a massage technique on the hands and feet to target and stimulate parts of the body that require healing or treatment. Reflexology techniques purportedly relieve stress and tension in areas such as the neck and back. Reflexology is also thought to aid in the healing of muscle pain, migraines and insomnia.

Things You'll Need:

Reflexology chart mapping reflex zones in the hands and feet to their corresponding parts of the body

Computer with Internet access

Learn More About the Proper Pressure Points


Visit the Reflexology Association of America Web site for a short list of online reflexology charts (see Resources below). Print out the chart so that it is easily accessible during a reflexology session.


Visit a reflexologist. Costs for a session will vary, depending partly on where you live, but are generally moderate and in line with costs for other alternative health therapies. Your reflexologist can help you identify the proper pressure points. You can look for a reflexologist near you at the Reflexology Association of America Web site.


Attend a class or seminar on reflexology. Try to find a class that allows for a more hands-on approach to learning, especially if you learn best by doing. The Reflexology Association of America Web site posts several events across the nation that you can attend.

Find the Proper Pressure Points


Find the area you would like to target through the reflexology massage technique. Use the reflexology chart to locate the proper reflex zone or zones.


Mark your feet and hands when you have located the proper pressure points. This will keep you from constantly referring to the reflexology chart and will allow you to treat the entire reflex zone.


Apply firm and constant pressure to each reflex zone. Reflexology is about bodily response, so you should feel the pressure on your feet and hands. Don't be afraid to use a bit of strength to really stimulate the nerves.

Tips & Warnings

Purchasing a book or
is an inexpensive alternative to getting treatment from a reflexologist (see Resources below).

Severe pain or discomfort, particularly abdominal or chest pain, requires an immediate visit to a licensed medical professional. Reflexologists are not licensed to prescribe medicine or diagnose serious medical symptoms.

Avoid reflexology if you are pregnant.

Before you start any alternative medical technique, be aware that many have not been scientifically evaluated. Often, only limited information is available about their safety and effectiveness. Each state and each discipline has its own rules about how alternative medicine practitioners can be professionally licensed. If you decide to visit one, choose one licensed by a recognized national organization. Consult your primary health care provider about your decision first. Keep your doctor informed about the alternative medical technique you undertake.

How to Find a Reiki Practitioner

How to Find a Reiki Practitioner

Reiki is a holistic therapy which involves a series of laying hands on the patient in a passive manner. It is used to purportedly stimulate positive energy and break energy blocks, allowing the patient to feel relaxed and healthy. Reiki is commonly used to treat high blood pressure, asthma, anxiety and addictions.

Things You'll Need:

Computer with Internet access

Find a Reiki Practitioner


Ask a physician if Reiki might be an option for you. If it is, ask him or her to recommend a Reiki practitioner. Many hospitals actually use Reiki in conjunction with conventional medicine, so your doctor may be able to refer you.


Visit the International Association of Reiki Professionals Web site (see Resources below), which includes information on Reiki practitioners and classes around the world.


Research Web sites to locate Reiki practitioner directories (see Resources below). They can be organized by state or by practitioner name, and often are accompanied by the practitioner's picture.


Locate a local free publication at your local health food store or bookstore in the New Age section. Under this section will be advertisements for classes and practitioners in your area. You can also often find fliers offering Reiki services posted in metaphysical bookstores.


Create a list of possible Reiki practitioners. Contact your top picks. Sometimes Reiki practitioners will host a form of open house where they'll explain the basics of Reiki to a large group for a discounted price.


Listen to your friends and family. Word of mouth is often a positive way to find a Reiki practitioner.

Question Your Reiki Practitioner


Ask your Reiki practitioner what level of Reiki they have achieved. A Reiki practitioner should have achieved at least the second level of Reiki to be practicing.


Determine whether your practitioner utilizes other holistic therapies such as massage or aromatherapy, and if those therapies would benefit you. The sessions may end up being more expensive, but they may be worth it.


Know what you want from a Reiki practitioner. If they have been through similar life experiences, they may be a good match for you since they have healed from the experience and can guide you appropriately.


Decide if you want a practitioner who will be a guide throughout the entirety of your healing process or a practitioner who will be simply a teacher for a few sessions.


Select a Reiki practitioner you can afford. Prices range from inexpensive to moderately expensive, although some practitioners will allow barter, scholarship or a fee based on your salary.


Find out if your Reiki practitioner will make house calls. Many will do so for an increased fee.


Research attunement. If you are interested in becoming a Reiki practitioner yourself, or if you want to experience a higher level of Reiki, make sure your Reiki practitioner is a Master practitioner.

Tips & Warnings

Trust your instincts when you meet your Reiki practitioner for the first time. You should feel comfortable.

Find a Reiki practitioner close to your home or work. You may not want to relieve your stress an hour away from home only to fight traffic on your return trip.

Holistic remedies may not cure serious illness or disease. If you experience severe anxiety or intense migraines after a session, consult a physician immediately.

Reiki is not a proven science and results do vary.

Before you start any alternative medical technique, be aware that many have not been scientifically evaluated. Often, only limited information is available about their safety and effectiveness. Each state and each discipline has its own rules about how alternative medicine practitioners can be professionally licensed. If you decide to visit one, choose one licensed by a recognized national organization. Consult your primary health care provider about your decision first. Keep your doctor informed about the alternative medical technique you undertake.

How to Find a Reflexology Practitioner

How to Find a Reflexology Practitioner

Similar to massage, reflexology involves pressure applied to both the feet and hands to purportedly stimulate other parts of the body. Reflexology is largely sought out for stress relief and energy revitalization. Muscle aches and migraines are other conditions thought to be treatable by reflexology.

Things You'll Need:

Computer with Internet access


Learn more about reflexology to determine whether it is the right course of alternative treatment for you. Try perusing the Web site of the Reflexology Association of America (see Resources below). Find links to articles and other reflexology Web sites, as well as local or state reflexology associations.


Pick up a book or two at your local bookstore or library. Get lost in the Alternative Medicine or Homeopathic Remedies aisle. You may be able to pick up some tips on how to choose a reflexology practitioner. The cost of books runs from inexpensive to moderate, but remember that the library is free! Request the assistance of a librarian or bookstore employee if you do not know where to look.


Find a reflexology professional by using the lists provided by the Reflexology Association of America or International Institute of Reflexology Web site (see Resources below). The Reflexology Association of America allows you to search by a keyword. Entering your state would be the easiest search term to use. The International Institute of Reflexology lists each state and you can click on the appropriate link.


Research the reflexology practitioner you have chosen. Ask for accreditation and any type of schooling the reflexologist may have completed. Don't forget to ask when and where the accreditation and schooling was received. You can conduct your background search independently or ask that the reflexologist provide school contact information or referrals from former clients.

Tips & Warnings

Reflexology is not a treatment for serious pain, nor is a reflexologist a licensed medical practitioner. Though reflexology is often used to treat bodily aches and pains, serious bodily damage, such as torn ligaments or bone fractures, should be treated by a licensed medical professional.

Beware of Web sites on reflexology that may contain false information. If there is contact information on the site, take the time to call the phone number provided or look up the address on a map.

Avoid reflexology if you are pregnant.

Before you start any alternative medical technique, be aware that many have not been scientifically evaluated. Often, only limited information is available about their safety and effectiveness. Each state and each discipline has its own rules about how alternative medicine practitioners can be professionally licensed. If you decide to visit one, choose one licensed by a recognized national organization. Consult your primary health care provider about your decision first. Keep your doctor informed about the alternative medical technique you undertake.

How to Dress Like a French Woman

How to Dress Like a French Woman

French women are world known for their sense of style and chic way of dressing. France is, after all, the country where such famous designers as Coco Chanel originate. So if you want to dress like a French woman follow these steps.


Find the style which suits you! Contrary to popular opinion, French woman are not slaves to fashion. At a young age a French woman is taught to find the style which suits her best, and stick to it.


Buy less. Yes, that's right! It is a myth that a French woman owns an enormous amount of clothes. The secret is that she prefers to spend her money on a few good quality pieces than to buy hoards of cheap clothing.


Keep your style simple. A French woman is not a fussy dresser. She will always have some well cut simple pieces in her wardrobe.


Buy some accessories. A French woman will always have a string of pearls and an elegant scarf ready to brighten up an article.


Be ready for the unexpected. A French woman is always ready for an unexpected invitation which is why she always has a cocktail dress on hand.


Understand that it is in the way you walk. A french woman looks chic and elegant not only because of the way she dresses but also because of the way she walks!

How to Dress Like a Desperate Housewife

How to Dress Like a Desperate Housewife

"Desperate Housewives" is an addictive show filled with scandalous plot lines and sexy, fun fashions. Whether you have a body like Edie, sex appeal like Gabrielle or down home
like Susan, you can get the ultimate modern "Desperate Housewife" look, just like your favorite character.


Sex up your look like Gabrielle, the ultra sassy Latina and ex fashion model. If you want to dress like Gabrielle, go for slinky tight-fitting tops, short skirts or tight pants. Gabrielle is also famous for her bling, so stock up on your gaudy costume


. Don't forget a sexy pair of high strappy heals--whether wearing jeans or skirts, Gabbie wears heals.


Go comfortable, yet girly if you want the Susan Mayer look. Susan is the most down-to-earth character on the show, writing children's books at home. She often layers her look, with a feminine scoop neck tank top under a tight yet comfortable cotton sweatshirt. A nice pair of fitted jeans and a clean pair of tennis shoes will finish off this simple, comfortable yet fashionable look.


Dress like Lynette, the working professional mom of the show. Lynette most often wears sexy yet professional button-up shirts, suit pants and only semi-high heals. But Lynette is a busy working mom, so she doesn't overdo the


or wear her hair in extravagant styles. Simply pull your hair back with a clip and keep your makeup natural for the Lynette look.


Get a classy sophisticated look if you want to dress like Bree. Bree is ultra-conservative and pays attention to the finest of details. Often sporting elegant sweater sets and feminine suits, she almost always accompanies her look with fine diamond earrings and classy high heals. Remember the details, iron your clothes, no stains and make sure every hair is in place.


Thank the Gods and Goddesses if you have a body to dress like Edie. Edie loves to shock the people of Wisteria Lane with a provocative, sexy look. For a look like Edie's, wear tight-fitting clothing, low-cut, cleavage-revealing tops and jeans that show off your belly button. Top off this look with a trendy feminine cowboy hat or a high pony tail.

How to Dress Like a Celebrity Mom

How to Dress Like a Celebrity Mom

Celebrity moms seem to have it all together; cute kids, fashionable clothes, designer sunglasses and perfect makeup. It's fun to see celebrity moms out and about with their tots in tow, looking just a little bit more real than when they are on the big screen or TV. You've seen the great pictures of celebrity moms and their families; here's how you can get the look and pass for a celebrity mom yourself.


Wear oversize sunglasses. Celebrity moms wear them to pass unnoticed by bystanders whenever possible. Add them to your look for a fashionable statement and to feel more like a celeb.


Invest in stylish dark-colored designer denim jeans, as most celebrity moms wear designer jeans for their casual strolls and shopping trips. Visit celebrity gossip sites such as the celebrity moms blog on blogspot to see recent pics of celeb moms and their cute clothes.


Pair baby doll tops, oversized shawls and trendy shirts with your stylish denim jeans. Keep an eye on fashion magazines to see what's hot and trendy.


Finish the look with the season's best footwear--generally, fashionable boots in the winter and strappy sandal heels in the warmer months.


Accessorize with floppy hats, sashes and belts and jewelry, especially real diamonds and classy settings. A little bling never hurt the celebrity mom look.


Carry a large cup of coffee, preferably from Starbucks or another brand-name coffee shop.


Make sure your tots are well-dressed too. Find cute designer duds for kids from baby boutiques or mimic the look with your own fashion sense applied to the kids' wardrobes.

How to Dress Like a Biker Chick

How to Dress Like a Biker Chick

Maybe you just bought a new motorcycle or maybe you are looking for a sexy biker man and want to attract him with your amazing fashion sense. Dressing like a biker chick is easy, however there are some very specific details that you mustn't forget.


Buy leather everything. You will need a vest, boots, belt, a pair of tight leather pants and most importantly of all, a leather biker jacket. It's best to buy black, however a little red or hot pink will work too.


Get a tattoo (or two or three.) Sexy biker tattoos are not just for men, so get inked to show are tough and biker you can be. Common biker chick themes include thorned roses, sword-impaled hearts and of course, motorcycles. Classic pin-up girls are also a biker chick favorite.


Bleach your hair, if you aren't already blond, and hold it back with a classic American flag bandana. You want a simple hairdo that you can stuff up under a handkerchief and helmet, but that still looks good when you let it down. Carry a comb and hairspray in your saddlebag, to do it up right, when the helmet comes off.


Wear dark sunglasses, which are not only cool, but also functional. Long days on a motorcycle are tough on the eyes, and a pair of shades will protect them from the sun, bugs and wind, while helping to preserve your eye makeup.


Accessorize with big silver rings, leather wristbands, Harley belt buckles and red fingernail polish. Top it all off with a big wad of chewing gum, and you are now the epitome of biker chick fashion.

Tips & Warnings

Remember that the tighter the clothing and the more skin you can show, the better. You are dressing like a biker chick, so you will almost always cover your legs with tight leather pants, however a skimpy tank-top is a perfect way to show off your biker tan.

How to Dress in Women's Professional Attire

How to Dress in Women's Professional Attire

If you want to get ahead in your career, the first thing you need to do is dress the part. Professional attire was founded on menswear back when men were the only people in the office. In some professions, even though women have joined the ranks, strict professional standards of dress are still adhered to. So, suit up to make the grade.


Wear a suit. Nothing says professional like a conservative suit. You need something in navy, black or gray with a traditional notched collar jacket and cuffed trousers or a straight skirt. You may stray from these three colors, but keep the suit dark. When choosing a suit, consider whether a man in your office would wear a suit just like it.


Pair a suit with a white blouse. To keep the look professional, put a white or off-white blouse with a dark suit. Stick with basic cotton button-down blouses without ruffles or other embellishments.


Combine a dress with a jacket. A dress can be professional if paired with a suit jacket. The dress should be at least knee length and in a dark to medium color. A print dress is fine if the print is muted and conservative. When choosing a print dress, consider whether a man in your office would wear a tie in the same print.


Stick with pumps or flats. Pumps are the quintessential business shoe for women. Choose a pump with a closed toe and a two- to three-inch heel in black, brown or navy. As an alternative to heels, and to wear with pantsuits, flats are a good choice. Again, a closed toe is appropriate here. Your flats should look like a man's loafers.



conservatively. A professional woman's hair does not provide distraction to herself or anyone else. Long hair should be pulled back or put up and secured in place. Short hair should be neatly styled out of the face.


Choose jewelry carefully. Too much or too big jewelry could take the professional edge off of your look. A wristwatch and wedding rings are acceptable and one pair of non-dangling earrings.

Tips & Warnings

Avoid flimsy materials. They add a sense of soft femininity that contradicts the professional look.

Always wear nylons with a dress or skirt to complete your professional look.

Strappy or open-toed shoes are never part of a professional women's attire, unless you've joined the world's oldest profession.

How to Dress in Paris

How to Dress in Paris

Paris is one of the all-time fashion capitals of the world. Even if you're going as a tourist, you still want to look chic. The French (especially the women) have an instinctive sense of style. Here are some ways to be comfortable and look great whatever the season.

Things You'll Need:

Raincoat with removable lining

Selection of scarves (wool, cotton or silk)

Color-coordinated clothing pieces

Well-chosen accessories (shoes, gloves, hats, handbags and umbrella)


The first thing to remember is that at any time of year it can be cold and damp in Paris. Be prepared with layers of clothing. Bring both a cotton and a wool sweater.


Check out the latest styles in "Elle" and "Vogue" for an overview of what to wear. Although dress has become much more casual in recent years, Parisians still passionately follow the changing styles.


Choose one basic color for your travel wardrobe around which you will plan tops, blouses and sweaters. But don't think that everything has to match exactly. Creative use of color is a great technique.


Use scarves to maximize outfits. Take a variety of sizes and lengths. Scarves are light and can totally change a look.


Find shoes that work for you. If you usually wear high heels, this is the place to do it! But for walking in museums and parks, take comfortable shoes. They don't have to be ugly. Plan on rain in any case; if the weather is beautiful, you're in luck.


Good news: starting in January 2008, it will no longer be possible to smoke in restaurants, but you could still find yourself somewhere with lots of smelly smoke. Take a product with you so you can spray your clothes if they capture cigarette smoke.


Take jewelry that expresses who you are. Costume jewelry will give you a break from worrying about loss of valuables. A few pairs of earrings, a great pin and several necklaces will do the job.


Select accessories like handbags and umbrellas for usefulness and color. A terrific bag will not only hold your personal items, water bottle and map but will punch up your outfit.


Don't miss the fabulous clothing shops all over Paris. Even if you're just window shopping, you'll see some incredible things.

Tips & Warnings

Check out the weather forecast before you go, especially in the summer. If it's very hot, take changes of light clothing. Many places aren't air-conditioned.

Don't forget that you can freeze, even in August.

Don't wear gym-type clothing (sweatsuits) except at the gym.

How to Dress if You Are Short

How to Dress if You Are Short

A few simple dos and don'ts can give the illusion of extra inches.

Things You'll Need:

Men's Dress Shirts

Men's Dress Shoes

Men's Dress Sweater

Men's Khakis

Mens' Dress Pants

Women's Closed-toed Shoes

Women's Dress Pants

Women's Dress Shirts

Women's Dress Shoes

dresses and skirts


Wear tops whose details pull the eye down vertically; V-necks are a good choice.


Tuck shirts into pants to make your legs look longer, which will make you look taller.


Opt for clothes that fit close to your body. Bulky ones - like oversized jackets and tops - will draw the eyes out horizontally.


Try slim pants that closely follow your thighs and butt to make you look taller.


Wear vertical stripes - for instance, a pinstripe suit.


Don short skirts, avoiding skirts that cut slightly below the knee or at mid-calf.


Slip into higher-heeled shoes. Letting your cuffless pant legs drape over high shoes will provide an instant look of height.

Tips & Warnings

Try dressing in monochrome, matching your hosiery and shoe color to the rest of your outfit to create an uninterrupted vertical line.

Browse in the petite sections of clothing stores.

Avoid cuffed pants, which can make you look shorter because they visually shorten the leg.

How to Dress Harajuku Style

How to Dress Harajuku Style

Gwen Stefani first introduced Harajuku style to mainstream America through her fashion line and the Harajuku Girls that appear everywhere with her. This style originated in the Harajuku shopping district in Tokyo, Japan. There, fashion is a form of art. And now, that art is embraced in the United States.


Pick a Harajuku style. To some, it might look like Harajuku style consists of throwing mismatched pieces together in one outfit, but it's much more organized. There are five different categories of Harajuku style, and they don't mix well.


Mix feminine and elegant clothes with gothic accessories. This is the classic Harajuku style called Gothic Lolita.


Overdo your makeup to create Punk Harajuku style. Top it off with over-the-top accessories.


Dress like your favorite cartoon, game or anime character. To pull off Cosplay Harajuku, spare no expense to copy the look of that character.


Choose very bright colors and wild accessories for Decora Harajuku. This is different from Punk Harajuku because your makeup isn't over the top.


Find your inner child for Kawaii Harajuku. Look cute with outfits that are playful and childish.


Create your own look. Pick through your closet and decide what you can use to have Harajuku style. Be creative when you put together an outfit. Harajuku style is known for thinking outside the box.


Wear clothes of mixed genres, mixed influences and even mixed patterns with weird shapes. All of this fits into the Harajuku style.


Add a theatrical pop. Outrageous accessories and overdone makeup finish off the Harajuku look. Add bright colors around your eyes for maximum impact. The best thing about Harajuku style is that you can always wash off the makeup and rearrange your accessories for a completely different look.

How to Dress Great and Still Be Comfortable

How to Dress Great and Still Be Comfortable

You don't have to wear baggy sweatpants and old, ratty tennis shoes all day long to be comfortable. You can dress great and still be comfortable; it's all about choosing the right clothing. Here's how to choose the right clothing so you can dress great and still be comfortable.


Know the colors that complement your skin tone. If you have naturally pale skin, the colors of your tops should accentuate the ivory and peachy tones of your skin and not make you look translucent.


Get pants that fit. Finding the right pair of pants involves more than going by the size number on the tag. The waistline of the pants should be around your natural waist line. The rise should hit around your belly button and the leg should end around the middle of the heel of your shoe.


Find the right shirt. Comfortable-fitting shirts should have no button strain and ample armpit room. The top seam of the shirt sleeve should rest where your shoulder begins to bend into your arm and the sleeve should end just below the wrist bone.


Wear skirts. Fit skirts in the waist as you would pants (described in Step 2). Also make sure the length of the skirt ends between your knee and mid-calf. Any shorter or longer than knee to mid-calf length and skirts will not be comfortable.

Tips & Warnings

Simple details on jackets and shirts such as darting or rouching add texture to your clothing.

Avoid heavily patterned clothing because these types of shirts, dresses and skirts are difficult to match with other clothes. They also tend to look too busy and accentuate problem areas.

How to dress gothic

How to dress gothic

Want to dress goth, but not really sure where to start? Here are some ways to look hot!

Things You'll Need:



Black material

goth neckalces,,,optional


Begin by deciding what kind of goth look you want to portray. Victorian goth, new age goth, ECT. Your clothing is based on what look you want to portray.
Begin by hitting the stores. Or just gather random pieces from the back of your closet. Hit Hot Topic, Target, TJ MAXX, even Goodwill. You can find all sorts of funky pieces. Or, even go to a craft store for skull/ electric guitars/ or Rock On iron ons.
Get Creative!!!! Let your inner creative side come loose. Play clothing up with jewels, skulls, metal spikes, chains, and even paint splotches.


you can wear anything from layered camisoles under tees to Big baggy sweatshirts with bagy pants. And black isn't the only color you can wear...addd in some hot pink or bright neon colors.
For us girls, try skirts with long red lace hung around it for a totally sexy gothic voctorian look. This is a very neat way to make a statement. Add on fat necklaces and a skull top.
For guys, Try the pants with the chains, and bulky spike bracelts.
there are so many options out there, even go shopping online.


For your own cool clothes, mix and match. Mix tees with other tees. Layer a skirt over a pair of funky stockings, with bulky boots and a long chain necklace.
If you want to show more skin, cut the collar of your shirt. Cut across the diameter until there is one BIG head hole. Now, it'll be a cool shoulder rider. Wear a spike choker to really show it off.
Invest in funky jewelry. Pile em' on for a super gothy look.

Tips & Warnings

Have fun!

Be creative

Read up on styles

Hit the stores

Don't go crazy overboard!